Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Snowdens of Yesteryear.

As this time of the year approaches, I realize just how much I hate the holiday of New Years. Most associate this festive day with loved ones and the hopeful anticipation with what the New Year will bring, and this I applaud. For me, this holiday is filled with memories of drunk relatives berating me for whatever gripe they have at that particular moment (at least when they are sober they have the tact to do it behind my back), or the desolation of solitude. As for the hopes that change will occur in the next year, I am almost positive it will, but only to a detriment to me. There is always nostalgia that can fog up reality with its rose-colored glasses, but the past years have been but a downslope. Gone are many of the people I once called friends, I do try to keep in contact with them, but a line of text across an internet page or an infrequent remote voice never brings about the same warmth of comraderie as a group of friends in person. Hell I can think of only one person that isnt related by blood that has endured my presence for ten years. Now i now that absolute continuity is impossible, but it seems the less mistakes I make the more life amps up the suckage. We learn from early relationships only to have them falter due to no part of our own actions. All the knowledge we build up seems to work against us as the inexplicable arrives each day by the donkey-cart load. As I have seen the things I cherish slowly slip away and see some of my family turn into loathsome demons,I can do naught but begrudge this day which marks a progression in time and my apparent misery. Yes, there is always hope that this will be the year it all changes, but I, the pessimist, do so severly doubt it, it is like comparing the luminescense of Venus (ahh my eyes) to that of a dwarf star on the other side of the universe. So as you break out your gear for New Year's, celebrate it well, but save your tidings for someone else, for all you will find here is contempt. Flipping through the channels, I keep on stumbling into this movie "flashbacks of a fool", and cannot help but think of my own life. I have made foolish mistakes, I will be the first to admit, but the lessons I have learned from them have borne no fruit. So bring on another 365, show me more of the darkness in this world. I still long for the Snowdens of yesteryear.

Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus


I was at : 4307 NW 76 Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32606,

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